Saturday, October 9, 2010

i love the rain the most.

You know you're an Oregonian when you a) don't mind the rain. b) don't own an umbrella. 

(via bippityboppityboo)

Sometimes, the boyfriend and I make a plan to have no plans. This weekend has been one of those weekends. It's not often that our calendars are completely free but after an extremely long workweek, we were both excited to only craft our weekend based on college football games and  movie times for The Social Network.

The rain rolled into town, and we spent this morning lazily laying in bed and watching the first two epsidoes of The OC on SOAPnet (you're welcome, bf). We took off to enjoy the muggy, dry Portland weather by making a return at Pioneer Place and spending our Groupon at Violetta.

If you haven't tried Violetta yet, you have to head over to Director Park (near Nordstrom and across from Fox Tower) on the next non-rainy day. We both ordered the Oregon Blue Burger (need I say more?). Oregonzola, caramelized onions and apple-wood smoked bacon on a 1/3 pound Pasture-Raised Black Angus Beef topped a delish Brioche Bun. We also split a large order of the White Truffe Fries - a shareable portion of fries with sea salt, pepper and Oregon white truffe oil. And washed it down with a Sessions. I can't get enough of the Sessson's bottles...too adorable. 

Tonight we're off to finally see The Social Network. I've heard good things, and how could I not love a movie about my #1 media addiction?

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