Friday, April 15, 2011

brand new day.

(I need to remember this as I go into Weekend 1 on this 6-week diet. Pizza Fridays are no longer...)

Is it 5:30p yet? So ready for the weekend! I need some downtown to relax. What's on tap this weekend?

On Saturday, I'm meeting up with my girlfriend for coffee to chat about some freelance projects I have going on for her and then we're going to check out the Sample Sale at Egg Press. Our favorite letterpress cards for just $1? Yes please!

But before that, I think I might try to hit up this Old Navy sale. Have you heard about it? From 7am-11am only, all swimsuits are 60% off! Hard to resist a sale...

Trail Blazers vs. Mavericks in Game 1 of the Playoffs? Obviously. Free fun.

Other than that - I need to do some much needed Vegas shopping and planning, pay some bills, read some books and try to stretch these two days and make them feel as long as I can. How is it already halfway through April? Crazy.

Speaking of Vegas outfits...I'm kind of loving this look I created. That necklace? Jewel tones are so fab! But not sure it goes with the top, but who cares, one Photoshop document photo is what you get!

(1. Urban Outfitters tank  2. H&M hat 3. LC Conrad Sandals 4. Necklace) 
 This week my aunt called me a "foodie." I mean, I guess? Really, I just love to dine out. It's what the boyfriend and I have always loved to do. We get to try new foods and ambiances on date night - all while leaving the dishes behind! There are our standbys - the Thai place on Alberta, the pizza join down the street and dessert out of the case at New Seasons Market. But I'm always looking for recommendations and inspiration to switch it up and try something new.
I came across the blog, Under the Table with Jen a while ago, but just now revisited it again. This needs to be in your "Favorites."

Last night I ended up talking with two co-workers about the best burgers in Portland...oh delicious. I need to blog about my adventures out more often. These ladies were eating it up (ha!)

(found on Pinterest here)
Also - Just came across this creative way to store ribbon. I really need more ribbon. I can't come up with a good reason why, but maybe before Christmas time rolls around, I'll make this lil device. If you're not on Pinterest...well then you probably have more productive days at the office than I do. Wait, that's relative.

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