Thursday, July 14, 2011

letters to you

It's no surprise that I love cards. Whether it's as a thank you, a birthday wish, or a note just to say hello- picking out the perfect card is somewhat of a magical power that I possess. Or so I've been told.

My friend Veronica and I spent our entire college careers sending adorable printed mail across the country. She would collect fun cards on her way home from class in New York City, and I would hit up tiny bookstores to select cards that were just right. The term 'penpal' doesn't even begin to explain it. The actual act of selecting the perfect card was the adventure. Oh, and we still have hopes of designing our own card line in the near future (cutest. name. ever. too. Very 'us').

It's no surprise that we both fell in love with the oh-so-adorable letterpress cards we saw pop up on card racks around town. Egg Press is a local, letterpress printing and design company, that features fun, whisical designs that are perfect for every occassion.

Well, the Egg Press Studio is moving across town to their new (and much larger digs) in Northwest Portland.  For the past 12 years, Egg Press' home has been The Plant - a warehouse on Alder in Southeast. And nothin' says moving quite like a sale, so now through Friday, Egg Press is selling slightly imperfect greeting cards ($1 each), screen printing while you wait ($5 per print) and other assorted Egg Press goodies at great prices - as well as items, both large and small, from their offices and print room.

My friend Lacey and I stopped by last night and picked up way too many great cards as well as some fun chalkbords - all for a buck!

Check them out!
Egg Press
939 SE Alder, Portland
10am-7pm Thursday and from 10am-5pm on Friday

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