Thursday, January 19, 2012

(via Kate Spade tumblr)

I've always been a fan of wandering the aisles of bookstores and collecting books to line my bookshelf but never could stay on top of my reading. Lately, I just can't stop. You might remember last new years when I read Kelly Cutrone's first book in less than 24 hours. Well, this year is no different. I got her second book, Normal Gets You Nowhere, for Christmas and could not put it down. I love her honest voice and sage advice for women.

Here's a line of up books I've finished and some that are parked on my nightstand, and I can't wait to flip open:

What's on your bookshelf? Anything good I should add to my Amazon wishlist?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

i faught the law

Sign the petition. Learn more about SOPA and PIPA. Do your part to so government doesn't limit creativity, innovation, business and job-creation.


Friday, January 13, 2012

mo money, mo problems.

(via Pinterest)

And what's that? Sticking to a budget.

I'm already decided that 2012 is the year that I get my finances in order. No really, I'm serious this time! I've been investigating budgeting softwares because let's face it - writing it out on paper is a helpful method, but I want the whole thing - colored charts, account balances and snazzy spreadsheets. I want to log in somewhere and have it scream at me, "Stop going to Trader Joe's!" "Do you really need that pillow at Target?" "Another footlong at Subway? Forgeddaboutit."

I tried (and by tried I mean set up an account) with Mint a while ago and never gave it a fair shot. But I just stumbled upon You Need a Budget. I'm easily pursuaded by colors and design - so I'm leaning that way, but I'm not excited for the $60 price tag. I'm trying to SAVE money here, people.

So, I'm curious to know your system. Do you use a software? Excel sheet? I'm this close to going up to the Promotions Department and stealing at copy of Dave Ramsey's book. 

PS - I love the Method behind You Need a Budget. Rule One: Give every dollar a job. Rule Two: Save for a Rainy Day. Rule Three: Roll with the Punches. Rule Four: Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck.  It's bound to work!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I want to go to my castle out of sand.

aloha! the BF just booked a week long trip to hawaii in april. I am beyond thrilled to dig my feet into the sand, sip mai tais and bask in the sunshine. our hotel is just our style...I love all of the white!
(via 1, 2, 3)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm alive! I know, I know...where the heck have I been for the last six months. To be honest, I wasn't feeling the blogging vibe. But it's a new year, and I'm back in action.

There's been one causality of the blog: I lost my custom domain name. How I let that go away, I do not know. But that's what happens when I let my inbox get overly full. I didn't think it would really expire but it's gone. Change can be a wonderful thing, right? Here's hoping!

ps. I might have been MIA on my blog, but my Pinterest boards are on fire!

via pinterest