Thursday, January 19, 2012

(via Kate Spade tumblr)

I've always been a fan of wandering the aisles of bookstores and collecting books to line my bookshelf but never could stay on top of my reading. Lately, I just can't stop. You might remember last new years when I read Kelly Cutrone's first book in less than 24 hours. Well, this year is no different. I got her second book, Normal Gets You Nowhere, for Christmas and could not put it down. I love her honest voice and sage advice for women.

Here's a line of up books I've finished and some that are parked on my nightstand, and I can't wait to flip open:

What's on your bookshelf? Anything good I should add to my Amazon wishlist?


  1. I just recently added the Paul Arden book to my to-read list after reading a fantastic quote from him about creative culture. You'll have to let me know how it is!

  2. I love it! a perfect addition to any bookshelf. big, graphic quotes. if you ever need inspiration, just flip it open. I want to get the others at Powell's soon!
