Thursday, June 30, 2011

new version of you

(via Pinterest)
I'm alive! I'm alive! I promise I haven't been sick in bed or off jetsetting to tropical beaches, I've just been MIA. Earlier in the week, I was bussed up to Hood River with the rest of the sales department for our annual sales retreat! It's always fun to be out of the office in a new location.
I won't bore you with the details, but let's just sum it up with the fact that my boss might have started a foodfight (not the first time), our bar bill could be mistaken for a mortage payment, and three comedians will never be asked to join a company function ever again. Seriously. I can't even post to the Internets.

We had two motivational speakers this year (we all loved the speaker from last year that we brought him back!) Seriously. I love uplifting people that take ideas, concepts, quotes and real life sitautions and break them down into the simpliest yet profound stories. Lou Radja continues to inspire me to take things to the next level. I highly suggest that you book him anytime you need a corporate, school or personal developement speaker. Totally good stuff. I might have even scanned my notes and email them to my friend...that good.


  1. One of the very best things about working in Sales, is that all of your coworkers have sparkling (sometimes competing) personalities. There's really never a dull moment - especially with an open bar tab.

    I loved meeting you in Joy's class, Alicia!

  2. Just saw this comment! Totally true. Great meeting you too!
